Thursday 14 February 2013


Here we looked at other films for potential influences in terms of costume, which relates to the roles of our characters.

We started small and immediately both agreed that our killer should wear leather gloves. Leather gloves build an identity and help audiences conclude who the character is by just looking at the gloves. Also it provides a deadly look which makes the character look cool, smooth and sleek.

We took a look at some films where the killers wear leather gloves. 

We looked at other films as influences for costumes idea where the characters of the film plays a similar role as the characters in the opening sequence. We specifically looked at characters from other films who featured wearing smart suits, as we believe it emphasises and portrays the role of a hitman/assassin. Below are a few films we looked at from different scenes and shots in which we where interested in: 

1) Reservoir Dogs:

2) Goodfellas:

3) Dirty Harry:

4) Quantum of Solace:

We then decided that the best look to go for in terms of costume is the formal look. We agreed that this look was professional and provided a serious attitude. 

We stuck to a plain and simple look with not many colours, as colours illustrate vibrance, happiness and many other positive emotions and not the serious/cool look we were going for.

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