Tuesday 22 January 2013

Los Blancos Synopsis

In this synopsis we outline the main parts of our film and what is going to happen in these parts. The Introduction involves: production logos, main title, credits, music and opening scene. The middle or the climax of the film. To end the synopsis we will indicate what our plan is for the conclusion of the film.

The film will begin with the logos of one already established film production company and one which we created ourselves. It will be followed by dramatic music which will set the tone of the film and emphasise its genre. Whilst the music is playing a few credits listing the main people involved with the creation of the film (both actors and backstage personal). Following a few credits we will introduce our character (the victim)  who has just returned home after completing an assignment. Being covered with the blood of his victims he begins to remove his clothes and take out and place key props which he used during his assignment. He then walks into the bathroom and begins to clean himself. He then enters the kitchen where a Hitman, 'Jose Sanchez', is sitting on the other side of the room, where the victim does not notice him.

The climax of the film will be after this scene, which explains how the protagonist, Jose Sanchez, joined a 'world-known' agency, Los Blancos. Eventually, he fails to complete a specific mission; leading his fellow agents from ‘Los Blancos' to terminate him. He then responds and attempts to kill as many members from the agency.

The ending of the film will then contain a cliff-hanger, which will therefore let the film open as a potential sequel, where Jose Sanchez escapes from his killers by leaving the country, but on arrival to the border his being awaited for by another assassin, who is the founder of the agency, Los Blancos. 

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