Tuesday 8 January 2013

Umed & Naiems Preliminary Project - Media Studies LPGS

Umed: In this task I found that I enjoyed most of all was filming the actual scence. I appreciated the fact that I got to broaden my skills with using the camera in many different camera angles and shots. However I found that using the 180 degree rule was the most difficult due to the my movement being restricted because of the small amount of space available in our setting, this caused the camera to be a little shaky in some shots. This is most evident from 5 seconds to 8 seconds in the clip.

Naiem: In this task, by having the role of the director allowed me to assist Umed with what camera shots and angles should be used in this scene. By taking a range of clips of each shot, it allowed Me and Umed to put this film together. I found that when editing our project, was the most enjoyable as this expanded on my editing skills. However, I found that the most difficult the complexity of trying to figure out how to achieve certain camera shots such as the aerial shot.

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