Influences -
We began to look at ways to attract/address our audience by first of all looking at our influences. We looked at films in the same genre, which had the same target audience. We then picked out ideas and themes which were re-occurring in these films and implemented them into ours. Below is a short clip of what we looked at and what we found:
From this we were able to find out what appealed to our target audience the most, and how we could establish our film type, its genre and target audience. We looked at costume to begin with. We found out from our influences that a more professional and smart dress code was what all the characters wore in these films and with majority of the films we looked at having a strong male following, we decided this look was the best to go for.
We were also able to identify the props that we should use to make our target audience aware of our film. From the clip above we can see majority of the films which were featured used props such as fake guns and knifes as well as fake blood.
The final aspect we drew from our influences was which themes to include. We found three themes which ran through majority of our influences. The themes of Violence, Murder and Crime. We ensured that we had some features of all three themes, as well as putting in our own ones.
Originality -
We annotated our film to show some aspects of originality which we thought would attract our audience. The annotated film can be found below:
Even though we used our influences to guide us and help us figure out what our target audience want from a film of this genre, we still used original aspects we felt made our film even more effective and would make our target audience very attracted to our film.
We believed our first original aspect which helped us attract our audience was that our location had a full white colouring. From this we believed made our film more interesting as it didn't give away much about the film and gave it a certain depth of mystery. This was perfect for us as we used this to have an unexpected twist and event take place in our film which the audience would not be able to predict. (For example if we were to to decorate our setting to be more run down and dirty, it would be expected by the audience this is not a good place to be and so something bad would be expected to happen.)
Another aspect we really thought stood out was the use of natural sounds such as the door opening and closing, the shoes being taken off etc. We thought these really increased suspense levels as the natural sound was only used in certain points of the film, creating a horror movie feel; in that something might happen at any time.
In addition, another feature of originality we thought we executed very well was changing the dynamic of an everyday routine to make it more sinister and dark. The bathroom scene which features our victim going about cleansing himself of the day, (which most of us do) was made more sinister and dark with the use of fake blood being smeared all across his hands and parts of his clothes. We thought this addressed our audience well as in hinted the film to follow a crime and violence theme; a theme which is very welcomed by our target audience.
Finally, we were especially proud of our use of lighting, we attempted to create a sort of midnight/film noir vibe to come off our film. We thought this would be achievable through the use of chirascuro lighting. We thought the midnight/film noir feel would appeal to our audience as it allows a different type of film which stands out from the rest of the films in its genre as this film type is very rarely used.
Overall we thought however the use of the mask created a sense of a horror style film and helped us achieve a unique selling point in that it crosses over between genres. Moving from a very modern day mystery to a 1940's style film noir, continuing to horror and finishing on a crime film. Very rarely films cross over between genres and we believed we were able to achieve this well and believed it would appeal to our target audience.
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